Personal Injury Lawyers – Drunk Driving Accidents

Personal Injury Lawyers – Drunk Driving Accidents

Personal Injury lawyers – Drunk Driving Accidents

In Texas, the driver of a vehicle is legally intoxicated or drunk if their blood alcohol content level (BAC) is at .08 percent or higher. Amazing as it seems, many people are legally drunk after only two drinks in one hour. Although the majority of people will get behind a vehicle and drive as they do not believe they are too intoxicated to drive. The drunk driving accident lawyers in our law firm have represented many clients who have suffered injuries or lost a loved one as a result of a driver believing they were sober enough to drive got behind the wheel of a vehicle and caused injuries to innocent people.< More on this website

car accident attorneys
Injured woman in car crash getting a whiplash neck brace

Right to compensation

Those innocent people who are injured as a result of the negligent actions of a drunk driver are allowed to recover compensation for their injuries, damages and losses. It is not unusual for those injured by a drunk driver to suffer life-altering injuries including severe burns and lacerations, broken limbs, head injury, paraplegia or even death. Those injured, and the families who have lost a loved one as a result of the car collision caused by the intoxicated driver, are entitled to recover for their medical expenses, loss of earnings, future medical expenses and loss of earning capacity, pain and suffering, and potentially punitive damages due to the intentional negligent actions on the part of the intoxicated driver.

Compensation is not going to undo the damage or bring back your loved one; it can provide you and your family with the financial security that is essential after a serious injury or the loss of a loved one.

Protect your options

Early investigation of the car accident is vital; before witnesses memories begin to fade, evidence is lost, and to make certain that the blood alcohol content tests are conclusive and included in the investigation reports. Our knowledgeable and skilled accident attorneys carefully review the investigation performed by the local law enforcement. If there appears to be missing evidence, statements or the investigation is not thorough, our qualified car accident lawyers will utilize a team of highly skilled and proficient investigators and accident reconstrutionists to conduct an independent investigation to make certain that the proper parties are identified and the cause of the accident is determined.drunk drivivng - car accident lawyers

If you or a family member is managing serious injuries or the wrongful death of a loved one due to an accident caused by a drunk driver, call our drunk driving lawyers today to schedule a free consultation. More information here

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