Fireplace efficiency is its ability to generate an optimum level of room heating with the minimum possible quantity of fuel consumption. It should also be resistant to leak and loss of heat, which can save more on fuel and increase the heating time.
The design and construction of the fireplace and chimney are the key elements which contribute to the efficiency of the fireplace. Now, you can apply these parameters to the wood fireplace and see how efficient it is.
If the wood is bone dry, it could burn out quickly. You will need to use more wood within a short span of time. If the wood is partially dry it may burn at a slower pace, but the pollution could be higher. Hence, the fireplace needs the kind of wood which is semi-dry to keep it burning for a longer time.
The price you pay for buying such wood in Calgary is stated to be much higher compared to the gas supply. It is possible to get at least 1.5 times more volume of gas for the same price you pay for wood.
Traditional wood fireplaces design may have a higher risk of heat loss due to the gaps within the bricks and stones on the interiors and chimneys. Though the modern wood fireplaces have improved in design, the probability of heat loss continues to be higher than that of the gas fireplace.
Traditional wood fireplaces without a fan blower may result in uneven distribution of heat within the room. The temperature of air away from the fireplace could be lesser than the heat you get nearer to the fireplace. Hence, you may be forced to burn more wood to spread the heat to the farther ends of the room. Now, it is possible for you to estimate the efficiency of a wood fireplace.
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